A’s Blog
there is no change without experimentation.
Beyond Fairness: Seeding New Possibilities for Our Future
…when we talk about “fairness,” we might unintentionally limit our thinking to a transactional model—balancing scales, distributing harm, and managing resources. Fairness, as a frame, feels safe. But it’s also static. It doesn’t invite us to question the very systems that created the inequities we’re trying to address.
Case Study: Envisioning Thriving Neighborhoods Through Collective Imagination
As part of the Cultural Organizing for Community Change convening hosted by Arts & Democracy and Naturally Occurring Cultural Districts NY (NOCD-NY), point A studio facilitated the "FutureCraft: Collective Imagination for Thriving Neighborhoods" workshop. This immersive two-hour session engaged a diverse group of organizers, artists, media makers, and policy makers in reimagining the future of their neighborhoods and identifying bold actions to realize those visions.
The Importance of Imagination and Visualization in Futures Work
Recently we had the honor of guiding 200 Boys and Girls Club leaders through a transformative experience, helping them to imagine a workday in 2044.
The Power of Scenario Planning: Insights from Our Work with Community Building Initiative
Recently, we had the privilege of partnering with Community Building Initiative (CBI) to explore their potential futures and develop strategic scenarios that help to inform their growth and impact over the next two decades.